May 16, 2010


Here is a beautiful photo of my sister that i took today!! There were so many good ones so it was hard to narrow them down to one so I decided i would do two! hehe! She has been such a blessing my life and i love her so much!! <3

Day two!! DOWN!! : )



Hannah said...

That is a nice picture of your lovely sister!
I like the first one the best. I can't do portrait pictures very well. You do good with them. My problem is with the aperture. With alot of portrait pictures you want the background to be out of focus and the foreground to be in focus. I'm still playing around with that and have not had a whole bunch of success but a few I have.

Micah Man said...

Wow! Those are both great pics!! Love them both! Day two was a hit too, Rana!!


Miranda said...

Hannah: I have seen a lot of your photos and i really liked them! Keep working on it!! I can't do nature ones like you can! you do great nature photos! it is amazing! : )

Mikei: Thanks!! looks like it! : )


*Wild Flower* said...

Hey Miranda,
Thanks for the encouragement about my nature photos. That's what I really love taking pictures of!
I also thought I'd let you know. . .

There is a girl who is having a photography contest. I thought maybe you would want to enter. I am the only one who has entered so far and I know she wants more than one entry :) who wouldn't? The category is is water/streams. You can get the link to her blog on my photoblog:

just thought I'd let you know!